Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gee, thanks

If I say I'm most grateful for love,
I think that I'll have to name
Here, in fumbling words that don't explain it right
If for the sunshine,
I would have to tell you how it floats golden
Makes the snow glittering down blankets
Heats the river I plunge into and
Grin at the fishes from high where it winks on the surface
If I tell you I'm grateful for family
Then what names would I give you?
Father, sister, brother, kind beloved
The man who laughs with me at the checkout line
About how incredible coffee is
The people spread out all around the globe today
Where it's not a national holiday
Just a good one
Can a poem fit 7 billion names?
This is my family after all
Emmanuel, God with us
All of us
Not just the ones I know and keep close in a circle
All of us with something today
To smile and fold hands for
Our favorite foods close at hand
Kitten curled up on the comforter
The flavor of strawberries
The meetings and the partings
You and I, the moments divine that we hugged each other close
And the ones so painful and right
When we knew it was time to unlock the fingers and let go
The surprises
Birthday presents
The songs I belted out in the car for the steering wheel
The shoes and sandals that bore me over hill and plain
The piano melody you named for me
The sparrows, the cardinals that chorused me awake
Oh, for roses, for ducklings, for thunder showers
Rainbows and garden carts, the passing glance of kindness
That was the only way I've ever known you
For bravery, for pizza and pillow fights
For someone to talk to when something just didn't feel whole
Here we are grateful
For every time we remembered to play instead of pursue fame
When an arm went around our shoulder
Or we straightened our spines tenderly
In order to be more truly ourselves
Here's to pumpkin pie!
To glasses not half-full or empty but brimming
With a zillion miracles a day
All in tiny, fleeting droplets
That combined create an ocean
To drink from at every moment
So that we are never thirsty again
But drowning in this love, this abundance, all this caring kindness
That falls from Heaven like all this sun and rain and snow
We are drenched in Thanksgiving at all times
If we would only name it like we do today
There is too much to be thankful for
A desperate urge to give it all a voice
But let today be for chestnut stuffing
And our nearest and dearest brothers and sisters
Let today remind us
That at all times, there is blessing
A thousand times more than there is curse
Every little cell of all there is
Holds affection for mankind
We need only look at any tiny thing
To know that we have so much to say grace for
So much to live grace for
All we can come up with is to feast today
To somehow manage to take in
All these beautiful things

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Here we are, just outside of the glow of Christmas
Slushy, laughing snow for Thanksgiving
Every arc of the lofts shimmering with tiny lights
A candle here
A chocolate there
The board game I left by the window
Socks I yanked off toes with a gleeful sigh
Here a home,
There we are
Reflections peeping down onto the streetlamps below
The tree coated in frost
All the evening waiting for eucharist
To pour out with the cider and inside jokes
Fingers folding into the lap
Brush of lips to brow
Tomorrow is a banquet
Platters filled with all that truly matters
Lest, save for this one annual Thursday
We all forget
That we are immaterial
And the green stamped paper
Means very little when compared with your smile
For me over the cranberries
And the great Togetherness
Oh, I am glad
For this day and for all days
When you and I are rosy's ringing the table
Every posy the world has for us now
Twinkling bright in the ash
If I ever forget
That nothing, nothing can ever be taken for granted
And truly loved
Felt with the hand, and the soul
If you and I are to make these moments meaningful
Whatever the daylight brings
Gratitude must fall from our lips
So that the old insults and stinging words
Have no place to stand
And are forgotten
Let's all tangle our fingers
Our sympathies
Until we are at last, united
When the bumblebee and the sheathe of hay
Are appreciated again
When "thank you" is more than manners
But becomes instead the breath
Inhale and taste that you belong
To God, to yourself,
To the grand cosmos who grinned when it thought of you
Look and see that it's true of everyone else
Your eyes fall on
Break the bread, and never another heart
Let your life become the candles tenderness
As it tosses the light to friendly faces
Let every day, holy
Be named Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Harvest moon was floating
Glowing balloon of the evening
When I found the Hundred Acre Wood
Summer crickets were singing
Something new
Ringing chirp of the star-watches
When I found you
I forget now
If you took my hand, or I took yours
Or if they had ever been apart for long at all
I was coming up the stairs
Treading soft the trees transformed
Rising into a place I belong
Harvest moon was floating
Glowing balloon of the dappled window
When I rested in your lap
Arm curled to the bend of your waist
Cheek pressed into your knee
Falling into a place called home
When you found me

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Psalm

O my darling, darling Breath of Life
Touch the skyline
Pull me in close to embrace the wonder
You walk on the mountains
Carefully stepping over the cottages
And deer sleeping in the soft grasses
I like to watch You when You're moving
As a smile reaches the far corners of my brothers face
Or the wind pulls the heron a little higher into Your arms
My heart rests when it's with You
Leaves the heavy clothing of the world
To sun on the riverbank
And bathes in Your loving words
Whispered for my ears alone
When I want courage, I look for You
In the cool dark of the forest
You teach me a warriors ways
How to love an enemy, a neighbor, myself
How to use cloak and shield and dagger
To defend against the shadow
Who strikes when I am already wounded
A great cat in the jungle
Merciless, laughing at the crushing blow with yellowed fangs
You call me up into the treetops
Where no tiger slinks among the ferns
To listen to the sound of Your song stirring the maples
To feel the rhythm of the Earth as she calls forth the largest star
Then the moon
Now, to me
Her little fragile Daughter cradled in the boughs
What do I have, if I have not Your love?
Where would I go to, to be completely alone with my grief?
You don't allow it
Great Stallion of the South
Who bids His fold to follow into the wild
Mean it danger or green pasture
But your call is a delicious sound to me
Moves the air with music, the Great Mystery
Of which I am part
I would rather run to the ends of the stars with You
Than sit quietly alone, and wonder what it all means
Love is the answer!
Thunder-clap, peal of the bell, brush of Your lips to mine
The White Wolf breaks the depth of the night
Clad in moccasins and paint, I go to
Where He waits for me in the crook of the hills shoulder
Past the buffalo lullabying on the waste
The elder with a gun and whiskey, steeled against the woes of men
We run until I no longer need air for my lungs
Or light for my eyes
Just You
Just the green of your gaze in the twilight
The sound of Your laughter
Morning slipping over the sandstone and clay
I turn to see where the sun rises
Only to find that
I am inside of it
Sister to each and every sparkling spirit
Every point of gold
We are inside of the Son-rise
By the beauty of Your heart for all of us
Dawn breaks

Sunday, November 6, 2011


When I was a little Lulu- I was crazy about the world. I loved everyone I met with a powerful intensity and exuberance. I adored my teachers at the dear little PCS, and they made me so happy in those long, wide halls made out of white brick, that later in my life I decided that I wanted extremely much to be a kindergarten teacher. I can't even find my keys if I set them down somewhere; so how I was going to keep track of an entire classroom of wee little ones became an immediate problem. Besides we wouldn't have learned a darn thing except how to be wild things outside and eat cupcakes.
But I loved grown-ups. They were so enchanting to me; red lipstick, shiny high-heels, funny ties and mustaches. I remember sitting in the gymnasium with the entire school, what felt like hundreds of us, dressed to the nines for Halloween, all of us listening contentedly to our wonderful principal (completely transformed and decked out as Captain Hook) reading us Peter Pan. We all laughed and gasped at the funny and suspenseful bits; most of us were hanging lollipops from mouths agape. I looked around at all of us there and felt very sure that this was how life would always be. You and me and the ageless lost boys. Except when I was grown-up I would have a horse to ride to the post-office and no parents to ever be upset with me.
I was always very, very eager to be grown up. When I opened my time-capsule, full of treasures and notes from when I was a romping first grader (I'd left myself ample supplies of fuzzy unicorn stickers), I found a card from my mama; something I hadn't expected. It was very short and simple, all it really said was "You have always wanted to be big, and now you are" and she reminded me of a story of myself running everywhere in Halifax with a vacuum cleaner, in pumps and a feather boa, constantly playing house and "grown-ups".
If only I went everywhere in a feather boa now.
It came to me in the shower this morning; a realization so very disheartening it made me cry a little bit; that I've so rarely made magic of where I actually am. I've so rarely wanted to be my own age, in my own skin, with the people that actually surround me. Life has so very largely blurred by me, as my mind wandered either into the past or the future.
Someday I'll be a famous author, photographer-extraordinaire.
Once upon a time people loved and admired me. Now I'm not so sure.
Someday I'll have a farm, be a llama-mama, grow my own vegetables and flowers and happiness.
Once upon a time- all those tears and fights and panickings, all that hiding and running and sleeping...
Someday I'll have long princess hair. I'll be 6'2 and have the worlds most beautiful clothing.
Someday I'll be happy right where I am.

.Perpetually falling apart. Cutting her hair, trying again, losing her mind and her keys and control of herself. Do I need to become more organized, or just fall in love with life again, like I did when I was so little.
When everything was magic. Snowfall, candy, animals, songs. Everything. Soaked in God-life, enchantment, mystery and intrigue. All I needed in life was my bicycle, a friend to sing Christmas music very badly with, a pair of jeans and maybe a stuffed animal in case of creepiness. I used to enjoy everything. I still enjoy things very dearly, but lately I've been in hiding, ashamed of being seen as childish. I used to breathe whimsy. I knew so well how to be friends; by hooting and hollering together and wearing silly dresses and sharing cookies.
I hiked, danced, swam, roamed, napped, ate, played, touched and giggled my way through every single day. I remember long, long hours of swinging in the summer when I wondered if the sun would ever go down. Time was eternal, because I made time for it. I didn't schedule my day in the slightest, but I woke up and went out to investigate the fog, blow some bubbles, mess around in the mud, play with my figures underneath the peach tree, draw some pictures, eat some sandwiches and listen to my little red portable radio.
Now I'm afraid of everything. Grasshoppers, ghosts, other people, talking, what I look like, what I sound like, not having money, going to school, paperwork and the endless list of tasks I never get done and feel awful about.
I used to just be, and do and I love it. Everyday was Thanksgiving, because there was so much to love, to adore, to be glad about. I know that spirit is still in me, and it's strong. I've seen myself inspire other people to remember it, but then backed away from it in fear; afraid to be myself, to be honest. I'm so afraid of people not liking me, that I've transformed a million times in my life, never content to be Lulu without thinking about what that means. Growing, changing is good, but I've gotten away from the heart of who I really am. I've been so sad, and in honesty, angry, watching so many people that I love change and disappear into what someone decided once that the adult world had to look like. Lost to drinking, relationships, drugs, the weight of paying for their living, attending college, doing what seems to be the right thing because everyone else is doing it.
I used to know what life was really all about, and it was ice cream and long grass, sledding and giving people kisses, writing stories, playing games, kindly working for what I needed. Life must be about all of the good things, the really good things. All of this bad, I don't know what it means or what it's for, but it's not supposed to be here. People have allowed evil to have a field day in our big, beautiful backyard for the sake of progress.
I want to grow too, and learn and become, more and more. But I don't want to become a grey, listless adult, burdened and heavy and empty. Even if I have to work in an office to pay for all my alpacas and farming on the side, I'll do it with gusto! I'll delight in paper clips and lunch break and how marvelous ink looks on paper.
Even if I look silly, childish, stupid even, naive and overly emotional, I'm going to live, the way people were intended to live; with passion. I'm going to forgive everyone, everything, everyday because it's all just a big mess and unabashedly, unashamedly, in truth, I know that I am loved, by everyone who has been so gracious and beautiful to spend time with me. I know that I've made a difference, and a nice one. I've done a lot of dumb things, said a lot of dumb things, been selfish and ridiculous and just plain a jerk, but it's the price of being here and feeling sad and lost and worried, and everyone has done it. So, I forgive me and I forgive everyone who has been accidentally a jerk as well.
And from now on, I'm going to bask in Thanksgiving, all year long, everyday. In all the little things that are really the big things, like hugs and soup and Christmas Eve and rumpusing. Life deserves my living it, feeling and experiencing the endless stream of blessings that are pouring over all of us; a constant storm of love and devotion. Even if all I have to be thankful for at the moment is green beans and socks, I'll lose myself in the wonder of having green beans and socks and go from there. There is so much to explore, to love, to surrender myself to. And every day is a good day to remember and to do it in. <3